Fried in strips and served onboard warm corn tortillas, a pinch of green onion, and a special house sauce. Served with one side of...
A fresh and delicious eight ounces of Atlantic Salmon portion served with mixed veggies and rice. Choose a side selection of soup or salad.
Chile Relleno is a chile pepper that is stuffed (with cheese and served with a tomato-based sauce), battered, and fried. The plate is...
Chile Verde is a comforting Mexican-American stew with melt-in-your-mouth tender chunks of pork in a savory green sauce. Served with...
Generous and delicious portion of New York Steak served with mixed veggies and rice. The plate comes with a side selection...
A generous and delicious piece of ribeye served with veggies, starry eggs, and rice or country potatoes. Choice of soup or salad...